Chemotherapy doesn't mean giving up on feeling your best; it's all about finding ways to stay healthy. However, the best chemotherapy doctor in Kolkata shares tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this period as it is crucial for supporting your body's well-being and enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment. Here’s what he has to say:

1. Prioritize Immunity: Chemotherapy weakens the immune system, making the body prone to infections. To reduce the risk of infections, one must maintain strict hygiene such as regularly washing hands, dental care and avoiding injuries.

2. Combat Nausea: Chemotherapy often causes nausea and loss of appetite. One must try to avoid greasy or fried foods and must have smaller and frequent meals. Chewing on ginger or mint leaves also help to ease nausea.

3. Focus on Nutritious Foods: During chemotherapy, one must focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods that nourishes the body. Try to incorporate plenty of protein from sources like eggs, meat, dairy and lentils in your diet.

4. Drink Plenty of Fluids: Chemotherapy causes dehydration and dry mouth. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, even when water doesn't taste good to you. Put water with lemon, cucumber or mint for added flavor and hydration.

5. Engage in Gentle Exercise: Though it is advised for bed rest during chemotherapy, one can engage in light exercises like walking smaller steps so your metabolism can be boosted. Consult your oncologist about an exercise routine that suits your needs and abilities.

6. Be Cautious with Supplements: Avoid taking supplements during chemotherapy as it may interfere with the drugs used during the treatment. Additionally, be aware with herbal remedies and green tea, as they might affect the treatment procedure.

Try to implement these tips and prioritize your health as it requires a great resilience and endurance power to go through chemotherapy. Seek guidance from the best chemotherapy doctor in Kolkata and communicate about your doubts and issues. Your well-being is the top priority and adopting a healthy lifestyle helps to overcome such challenges.