Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, occurs when malignant and abnormal cells start growing around the lining of the stomach. Over time, these cancer cells start spreading to other parts of the body. If left untreated, the tumour slowly starts growing deeper into the stomach walls and affects the nearby organs like the liver and pancreas, stated a well-known stomach cancer doctor in Kolkata.
Warning symptoms of stomach cancer
Gastric cancer is a slow-progressing disease and takes years to develop. Thus, patients in the early stage fail to recognise the warning signs and start comparing them to other conditions. However, the best oncologist in Kolkata listed down some of the warning symptoms to watch for.
1. Loss of appetite
2. Persistent fatigue and weakness
3. Heartburn and indigestion
4. Severe stomach pain, especially above the belly
5. Constantly feeling bloated after every meal
6. Unexplained weight loss
7. Feeling full even after a small meal
8. Black stool or vomiting blood
9. Trouble swallowing
10. Nausea
If you are experiencing these symptoms, make sure to consult an oncologist in Kolkata to check if the signs are related to stomach or any other disorder.
Diagnosis of stomach cancer
A stomach cancer doctor will review your medical history, examine your symptoms and perform various tests to see if the tumour in your stomach has become cancerous. Some of the common tests include:
1. Upper endoscopy: Here, a thin tube with a small light is inserted into the stomach to take out a sample tissue to test for cancer cells.
2. Endoscopic ultrasound: It is a type of endoscopy to take pictures of the stomach and see if the cancer has spread to the stomach wall.
3. Radiologic tests: They help to identify cancer related abnormalities. During the test, you will be required to drink a substance that will make your stomach lining more visible to examine if the cancer has started progressing.
Stomach cancer is treatable if the symptoms are diagnosed early. Hence, go for cancer screening and if required, discuss the treatment options most suitable for you.